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Writer's pictureChristy Burkey

2,000 Pounds of Hope. 3 Broken Hearts. One Place Called Hope Reins.

When Aaron Guin texted his wife Amanda that he was ‘done,’ she didn’t know what he meant until she heard the police sirens. He’d been at home with another deep bout of depression, so she and her two young kids were staying nearby at her parent’s house until Daddy felt better.

But this time it was different. The beloved husband, doting father, 82nd Airborne Ranger, and neighborhood Mr. Fixit, lost his battle with the demons that haunted him since serving in the Gulf War. Aaron Guin, who could tinker with anything and make it work, sadly couldn’t repair his own life. He killed himself at his home on a Saturday evening. This is how life ended for Aaron Guin. But for Amanda, Garrett and Ashlyn, this is where their journey of hope and healing began.

Aaron’s suicide devastated the close-knit Guin family, especially Garrett, who spent every free moment glued to his father’s side, playing football, gardening and serving as his young handyman apprentice. Amanda tried desperately to reach her son, but his thoughts and feelings remained hidden behind a veil of detachment.

When a friend suggested the equine therapy program at Hope Reins, Amanda was skeptical. “I thought, really? Garrett’s going to open up to a horse?” But after their first session at Hope Reins, the 7-year-old seemed instinctively aware of his new 2,000 pound friend’s gentle strength and moved easily around the huge Percheron, a breed known for its mighty stature.

It was a natural connection. The massive horse became Garrett’s confidant – one who could shoulder the weight of his darkest pain without ever divulging a word. He would talk and Abby listened.

Session after session, Amanda watched in wonder as Garrett would brush, walk and then ride Abby bareback through the green pastures at Hope Reins – beaming with pride and accomplishment.

His caring session leader, Karen, who remained a comfortable distance away, would watch in amazement, too, as God’s handiwork helped create a bond of love, trust and openness just when it was needed most for a lost little boy deeply missing his best friend. “I can’t even put into words how good it makes a mom feel that a horse can do a job that I can’t,” says Amanda.

It’s been almost eight years since the Guin family first contacted Hope Reins. And a lot has happened since then. Garrett’s sweet equine mentor, Abby, passed away in 2018 from severe colic. He’s now a strapping 5 foot 10 inch high school junior who loves basketball.

His sister, Ashlyn, forged her own path over the years as an accomplished equestrian at the ranch finding great solace in Shiloh, a beautiful white pony. She and Garrett both volunteered in Hope Reins’ Kids Give Back, where they provided leadership to young program participants and learned how to apply these skills in their own lives as well.

Amanda took her pain and started volunteering at TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) to help other military widows struggling with the death of a loved one. Her passion for the cause formed a conduit between TAPS and Hope Reins by aligning both nonprofits so other families like hers could be helped through equine therapy. TAPS has been a cherished partner of Hope Reins.

“I could have never made it through Aaron’s suicide without Hope Reins.”

“Pain is the ultimate equalizer,” says Amanda. “No one is immune from experiencing a crisis in their lives like we did. But I thank God for Hope Reins.”

For more information about Hope Reins or to make a donation:


This beautifully animated short video gives an overview of how Hope Reins helps children and horses with wounded hearts find healing.


Editors Note: Several years ago I discovered the life-changing work of Hope Reins after reading the book Joey: How a blind rescue horse helped others learn to see .

This heartwarming true story about an Appaloosa named Joey who was rescued by Kim Tschirret and brought to Hope Reins deeply touched my heart. Author Jennifer Marshall Bleakley's book is beautifully written and shares the love, dedication, and deep commitment of everyone who supports Hope Reins vital ministry to provide faith-based mentorship programs for kids in crisis with the aid of rescued horses. Even a blind rescue horse named Joey has awakened hearts, offering hope and healing.

EquuStyle Art & Travel magazine is greatly honored to feature the remarkable work of Hope Reins.


EquuStyle Art & Travel magazine thanks Christy Burkey, Director of Marketing and Communications at Hope Reins in North Carolina, for sharing a beautiful story with her excellent wordsmithing, photographs and video. Our sincere thanks to Founder and CEO Kim Tschirret, the staff, volunteers, and board members for using their time, talents, and energy to provide "true hope and real healing" for kids in crisis. A special thanks to the rescued horses for their resilience and generous spirits.

All images copyright Hope Reins -all rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced for any purpose without permission from Hope Reins.


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