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Edgar Degas' Figurative Equine Sculptures Discovered in 1917

Previously unknown figurative equine sculptures were discovered in Degas's studio after his death in 1917. Most of his sculptures were modeled before 1865 and apparently Degas did not want to have them reproduced into more permanent materials. The short video above shares only a few of the 72 equine sculptures that were cast into bronze.

During Degas's lifetime none of the more than 150 figurative sculptures was publicly exhibited. It is very exciting that some of Edgar Degas' equine sculptures are on display at The Met on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

On The Metropolitan Museum's website you may see all of the the 72 equine sculptures with fascinating facts about each including:

Edgar Degas French Cast by A.-A. Hébrard et Cie modeled after 1878, cast 1920

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 814

The Met's articles describe how “Albert Bartholomé, a sculptor and Degas's longtime friend, prepared [each figurative] for casting, a process executed by the distinguished Paris foundry A.-A. Hébrard et Cie.” And, that "Degas’s heirs authorized “copies to be cast in bronze in order to preserve the compositions and to sell them as finished works.”

We hope you will enjoy admiring Edgar Degas's beautiful work as much as we did while researching and learning about his little known equine sculptures.


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